Happy Leap Year! I figure I should say it now since it only comes around every four years. Anyway, I'm ENORMOUS. I know, I know, all the mamas are going to say, "You haven't seen anything yet," but to me, right now, in this present leap year moment, I am HUGE! But I have to admit, I kind of like it. My stomach has become its own entity. It moves around, shimmies, and gyrates, all because of the tiny (but growing) human inside me who weighs about 3 pounds.
So last night in honor of getting bigger (and bigger, and bigger) Steven made us our first batch of Midnight Pancakes (ok so it was 10:45 but by the time we finished it was almost midnight). Now, a regular person would grab the mix, add some water, and ta da, pancake batter, but not my husband. He went all out and made Ginger Pear pancakes from scratch. They were INSANELY delicious. We decided that in a few years, maybe more, we'll continue the midnight pancake tradition by waking our little girl up once (maybe twice) a year for a syrupy midnight treat. Fun!
Now, enjoy the pictures of my expansion. I will only get larger.
Two questions that I will answer in advance, in case anyone is curious:
Q: Did your belly button pop out or what?
A: Not yet. What you see is my temporary belly button ring poking out.
Q: What fantastically talented artist made that beautiful sculpture of a pregnant woman?
A: My mother.