Emma is now 4 and 1/2 months old and she is growing like crazy. Last week she measured 26 and a quarter inches long and weighed 15.3 pounds! No wonder my arms ache from carrying her around :) Not that I mind, she's such a little monkey.
So much changes with her every day... she uses her hands all the time - mainly putting them in her mouth, but also grabbing and pinching and holding things, including her parents which is very cute except for her pinches which rival a lobster's. Now she makes these adorable sweet noises that sound like a baby bird. Little squeaks and coos. It's like she is experimenting with her newly discovered vocal chords. She giggles too and coughs at us just for fun.
Other new things:
She loves the bath! Still taking it very seriously, but now she's figured out how to splash which makes for a very fun and wet experience for all.
She loves looking in the mirror. Either she recognizes herself or likes the baby she sees smiling back at her. Either way it's super cute.
Every day we love her more (which doesn't seem possible!)
Here are some pictures from the last few weeks. Enjoy!
I can't decide if I like the tongue pic or the mary jane toesies!! TOo cute! I can't WAIT to see her in person and get my hands on her!
Oh man, she looks so much like her baby daddy in that close up I thought Steven shrunk!
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