"Kaynahorah" is Yiddish meaning to ward off the evil eye. In other words, when you have good news but don't want to jinx it, you might throw out this term. Steven likes to call it Can of Horrors. He also says he doesn't believe in it. But I do...
The good news is we finally integrated our 3 cats and so far it's going well, kaynahorah!
If you didn't know about our horrendous cat problem (which would be odd considering it's all we talk about these days besides the baby) the situation was pretty bad. Because of a severe cat personality clash, our newest addition Millie was basically living in the baby's nursery, also known as our guest room. FOR ALMOST A YEAR. We had no idea how to fix this problem since Pixel, the aggressive kitty, seemed to have a stalking addiction and any time we'd let them near each other, fur would fly. Literally. Then Steven had the genius idea to put soft claw covers on Pixel's nails (a humane alternative to declawing, which we don't believe in) and open all the doors. Even though Pix can use her jaws of steel, she can no longer maul poor Millie with her sharpies.
We did this two days ago and the result, so far, KAYNAHORAH, has been positive. Pix still stalks Millie, but now that she has unlimited access, she grows bored quickly. We hope this trend will continue so Millie can stop hiding and live freely, not just upstairs, but all over the house. Luckily we should have at least a month and a half to perfect this. Keep your fingers crossed!
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