What a surprise she was, arriving 3 weeks early! We went into labor at 11:15pm Sunday, April 27 and she was born a mere eight hours later at 7:26am by natural delivery in the birthing center at Roosevelt Hospital, exactly how we wanted it to be. She weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces and clocked a lanky 19 1/2 inches long. We love her so much already it's ridiculous. Here are a few pictures to tide you over until we get our act together. Everyone is happy and healthy and we're looking forward to introducing you to our sweet new addition. By the way, if you call us and we don't respond right away, it's because we are very new at this whole newborn thing and will get back to you as soon as we are able.
I'm still in shock, but in a good way. you guys look like naturals in these photos! and emma is such a little sweetpea..i can't take the little baby feet.so happy for you!
How in the heck did you stay so buff Dana? Anyhow - can't wait to see you all and meet the new addition once you've worked out the pooping, eating situation. :)
Seriously Diggity, there is a concept called "milk arms" which you have totally bypassed. I can't believe she is here already!!!!! I'm SOOOOO EXCITED for you guys!! She is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I have been thinking about you alot and now I will thinking about you constantly! Enjoy every second....and for those rare seconds you don't enjoy, just remember that everything changes so fast whatever it is won't last long. I'm sending you a mental lasangna! Mazeltov!
PS. LOVE her name!!!!
congratulations!!! what a beautiful and happy little family you are! i'm so pleased that fate allowed that i get a brief glimpse of you all pregnant last week. i guess the indian food helped!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOWEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The photos look idyllic. There are no baby screams in photographs. :)
The best part is, you all look incredibly proud and happy. I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!
Thanks ladies for all your kind words! I write this at 6 am, after not sleeping all that much, but despite exhaustion (and more to come of that I'm sure) I'm just so happy to have this little nugget in my life, and I can't wait for you to meet her.
Milk arms, hee hee, I never heard of those! Definitely a good thing to have bypassed :)
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